The Native American Bar Association of Washington, D.C. Stands in Solidarity with the Black Community and Calls for Justice for George Floyd and All Those Who Came Before Him

(Washington, D.C. – June 9, 2020) The murder of George Floyd at the hands of police officers has resulted in a justified outpouring of grief and anger across our country. The Native American Bar Association of Washington, D.C. stands in unity alongside the Black community, which has faced systemic racism for hundreds of years. Black lives matter. We must recognize the racist philosophies and acts of violence that are pervasive in this country in order to move forward and effectively challenge the system and this country to do better. Native communities have also experienced the injustices and inequities that have plagued this land from 1492 to the present. In our daily work as attorneys and advocates for Native communities, it is our duty to intentionally recognize and confront racism, colonialism and oppression, wherever they appear, in order to create a better future for the next seven generations of our human society.

In standing together, we must cause effective change by simultaneously calling for legislative reform and common understanding. Now is the time that our country must act to stand together and rebuild into a more equal and just society for all people. We can no longer allow our governing bodies and communities to ignore the racial disparities and inequities afflicting the Black community and other communities of color. In doing so, we call upon our own Native communities to reflect on and work to address the racial prejudices that may exist within.

Reforms must be enacted to allow communities of color equal access to justice. We must denounce racism and call upon justice for George Floyd and all those who came before him. We must do what is necessary to ensure no one is violated with impunity on the basis of their skin tone, national origin, or any other difference. We are saddened and we are angry. We stand with the Black community. We will rise up to do our part to break the cycle of systemic racial injustices in this country.

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The Native American Bar Association of Washington, D.C. (NABA-DC) was established in 1997 to promote the educational and professional advancement of Native American attorneys and Indian country. NABA-DC is committed to promoting the sovereignty of Native American tribes and their communities; protecting the legal rights of individual Native Americans, their communities, and their tribes; providing community outreach and education about legal issues that affect Native Americans; and promoting the cultural heritage of Native Americans, their communities, and their tribes. For more information visit or email